DID YOU KNOW that every home and business in Florida has water pipes, sewer pipes and lots of other pipes? Of course you do, and you also know that they can leak and break and create quite a mess. One thing that you need when this happens is a company like RestoreDry to come to…
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About: Shlomo Mawardi
Recent Posts by Shlomo Mawardi
How To Prepare For A Hurricane in South Florida

Hurricane Season is still here and you never know when one can hit. Whether small or big, it is always better to be prepared and avoid a greater loss. If you need any help understanding details for better planning or for recovery services, feel free to contact us. In the meantime, here is a helpful…
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Protect Your Home Against Water Damage
The Institute for Business & Home Safety published a useful guide which includes some great tips on how to protect your home against water damage. Most of the advice they provide is accurate. My only concern, I feel, is that IBHS has put together this guide with the Insurance Carriers and provides biased advice for…
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About Mold

"BECAUSE WE CARE!" RESTOREDRY wanted to share some insight on the growing concern of mold growth in homes. Here is a helpful publication by NY State Department of Health about mold. South Florida is known for its high moisture and high humidity levels. Minimize your moisture exposure with some of these steps: Seal your windows with…
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